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Excavator Crawler, 굴삭기, 트랙, 게다

Excavator Crawler, EL motor, Volvo, EC360BLC, 2009year12, ENGINE-- operated in two ways, Diesel engine and Electric motor, Electrical motor drive, Motor 440V, with electrical operator panel, and, combined use installed original Diesel engine drive ..

by DAEKA 2020. 9. 9.

Excavator Crawler, EL motor, Volvo, EC360BLC, 2009year12,  ENGINE-- operated in two ways, Diesel engine and Electric motor,  Electrical motor drive, Motor 440V,  with electrical operator panel,  and,  combined use installed original Diesel engine drive  A+,  smgyo@naver.com,                                       중고 궤도식 굴삭기, 중고 전기식 굴삭기, 전기 포크레인, 겸용 디젤 엔진, 볼보, EC 360 BLC,  2009년12월식, 상태좋음,  전기 모터 440v, 디젤 엔진 겸용,  문의 02-2677-5544,  대가중장비플랜트,



Excavator Crawler, EL motor, Volvo, EC360BLC, 2009year12,  ENGINE-- operated in two ways, Diesel engine and Electric motor,  Electrical motor drive, Motor 440V,  with electrical operator panel,  and,  combined use installed original Diesel engine drive  A+,  smgyo@naver.com,                                       중고 궤도식 굴삭기, 중고 전기식 굴삭기, 전기 포크레인, 겸용 디젤 엔진, 볼보, EC 360 BLC,  2009년12월식, 상태좋음,  전기 모터 440v, 디젤 엔진 겸용,  문의 02-2677-5544,  대가중장비플랜트,
