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A/P, Asphalt mixing Plant, Asphalt Batching Plant, 아스팔트믹싱플랜트

asphalt mixing plant, main part, HOT OIL HEATER, Diesel, capacity 900,000 Kcal, Used to AP2000 Model, 1995year, Korea, smgyo@naver.com,

by DAEKA 2015. 10. 20.

asphalt mixing plant, main part, HOT OIL HEATER, Diesel, capacity 900,000 Kcal, Used to AP2000 Model, 1995year, Korea, smgyo@naver.com,











asphalt mixing plant, main part, HOT OIL HEATER, Diesel, capacity 900,000 Kcal, Used to AP2000 Model, 1995year, Korea, smgyo@naver.com,


AP, 중고, Used, Secondhand, 아스팔트 믹싱 플랜트, 아스콘 플랜트, ap, 아스콘, 아스팔트 배칭 플랜트, 아스팔트 뱃칭 플랜트, 핫오일히터,  대가중장비플랜트, 대가건설기계, 02-2677-5544, smgyo@naver.com,
