for sale used Dump Truck, 15ton, Daewoo, 390PS, 2009year, good working condition, EMAIL--,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment..
for sale used Dump Truck, 15ton, Daewoo, 390PS, 2009year, good working condition, EMAIL--,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, for sale used Dump Truck, 15ton, Daewoo, 390PS, 2009year, good working co..
2023. 10. 4.
Concrete pump car, 41M, JUNJIN maker, HYUNDAI truck, 2003year, working 11450 hour,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used &..
Concrete pump car, 41M, JUNJIN maker, HYUNDAI truck, 2003year, working 11450 hour,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, Concrete pump car, 41M, JUNJIN maker, HYUNDAI truck, 2003year, working 11450 hou..
2021. 11. 10.
Dozer, Compactor Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT 825B, Working condition,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, smgyo@naver.c..
Dozer, Compactor Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT 825B, Working condition,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea,, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, Dozer, Compactor Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT 825B, Working condition,, Trading Used C..
2021. 10. 29.
Dump truck, 25.5ton, Hyundai, Xcient, P540, 25.5ton, 2018year, very good condition A++,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (U..
Dump truck, 25.5ton, Hyundai, Xcient, P540, 25.5ton, 2018year, very good condition A++,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트 Dump truck, 25.5ton, Hyundai, Xcient, P540, 25.5ton, 2018year, very good con..
2021. 10. 4.
for sale used Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT D10N, 1992year, good working condition,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, ..
for sale used Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT D10N, 1992year, good working condition,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea,, 중고 건설 중장비 매매 수출 문의, 중고 건설 기계 설비 매매 수출 문의, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, for sale used Dozer, Caterpillar, CAT D10N, 1992year, good working cond..
2021. 4. 24.
DAEKA, We will work with YOU !!!!
DAEKA, We will work with YOU !!!! Secondhand construction equipment, Secondhand construction plant, Used construction equipment, Used construction plant, Seoul, Korea, TEL +82-2-2677-5544, E-mail:, 대가중장비플랜트, 대가, 전화 02-2677-5544, 이메일, 중고 건설기계장비매매, 건설현장 건설중장비 반출입 업무, 매매, 매각, 건설 중장및 건설플랜트 매매, 이전이설, 폐차 전체 일괄업무, 전화 02-2677-5544, 이메일, DAEK..
2020. 5. 28.
sale for used Dump truck, 25.5ton, Volvo, FM, 440ps, Model-M8SB44H, 2008year,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, A..
sale for used Dump truck, 25.5ton, Volvo, FM, 440ps, Model-M8SB44H, 2008year,,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, sale for used Dump truck, 25.5ton, Volvo, FM, 440ps, Model-M8SB44H, 2008year, smgyo@n..
2019. 10. 25.
USED Motor Grader, Caterpillar, CAT 120B, 1975year, working condition,, 중고 모터그레이더, 중고 구레이더, 켓타, CAT 120 B, 1975년식, ..
USED Motor Grader, Caterpillar, CAT 120B, 1975year, working condition,, 중고 모터그레이더, 중고 구레이더, 켓타, CAT 120 B, 1975년식, 작동상태양호, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트,, Trading Used Construction Equipment & Trading Used Construction Plant, DAEKA, All Type Construction Equipment & Plant (Used & New), Seoul, Korea, 중고 건설 중장비 매매, 중고 건설 중장비 수출, 문의 02-2677-5544, 대가중장비플랜트, USED Motor Gra..
2018. 8. 30.